Wednesday, 20 June 2018

How to Paint Concrete Floors like a Pro with these top 5 Essential tips?

Are you planning to paint your concrete floor anytime soon? Great! Concrete painting your floor is a great way to give a stylish look to your floors. Interesting and contemporary geometric patterns give the floors a unique ultra-modern look. These floors give your premises a beautiful look and at the same time protect it from dirt and other residues as they are durable. Nowadays, be it resorts, lavish hotels, exotic spas or countryside cottages you are bound to find concrete floors everywhere. And nothing better than having it at your sweet home too.

Concrete coatings Perth has quickly taken over the place. Almost everybody wants to have concrete coating at their premises. You can find various options for concrete floors in the market as well as on the internet. Choose your favorite ones and incorporate it into your houses. Painting concrete floors can enhance the overall look of the place. You can paint concrete floors on your own too. All you need to do is follow these essentials tips and you are good to go.

    Properly wash the concrete floor

The most important step before painting the concrete floor is to wash it properly. Whether your floor was covered with carpet or it’s was bare concrete, cleaning the floor is mandatory. With the help of a broom and a mop clean and wash the floor. If there are stains on the floor you can use degreaser solution or other solvents depending on the stains. Clean the floor properly for best results. Before painting the floor make sure to dry the floor completely otherwise everything will be vain.

    Fill in the gaps and cracks

If the surface of your floor is rough and patchy then fill in the holes, gaps or cracks with a concrete patch compound mix. Use packaging guidelines to prepare this mixture. Use this mix to fill in the holes or any gaps in the floor. Let the gaps completely dry.

    Sand the concrete floor

Sanding the concrete floors helps in smoothing and preparing the concrete floor for painting. Especially if you have followed the previous step it will evenly dry the cracks, gaps, and holes.

    Use a primer

For best and even finish you can apply masonry specific primers. This will help in evenly spreading the paint. All you need to do is pour a small amount of primer on the floor and then evenly spread it with paint rollers. Apply more coats if you notice discolorations. Let the floor dry completely between the two coats.

    Paint the concrete floor

After the primer is completely dry which will take approx. 1-2 hours. You can paint the concrete floor. Dip the paint roller in the paint and start painting your floor or you can pour the paint on the floor and then spread it with the help of paint rollers. Avoid walking on it before it is completely dried.

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